This palette is suitable if you are going to work with the product in consulting capacity Dermacolor Camouflage System is the Paramedical line developed by Kryolan. The system is designed to correct skin disfigurements or discolorations whether they are of accidental, dermatological, or congenital origin. Dermacolour is especially effective in minimising post surgical conditions either aesthetic or medical. Its effectiveness and quality are proven in intensive and longterm use. Once applied correctly in combitation with powder it results in awaterproof and long lasting effects. Suitable for women, men and children. Toxic or allergic reactions have never been observed with the Dermacolor System. Advice is always available form our qualified members of staff. Members of the British Skin Camouflague Association and Skin Camouflague Network. Suitable for Bith marks, Tattoos, Burns, Self Harm, Age Spots, Broken Capillaries, Varicose Veins, Acne marks, Dark circles, Permanent pigmentation, Bruising etc.