
Hairaisers Fake Confederate Chin Beard C/B

Chin Beard made from human hair on fine lace. Spirit gum adhesive and spirit gum remover is required. Taken off with care the beard can be used many times We normally recomend when you are covering so much of the face that you use toupee tape in the large area with spirit gum just around the edges. (Toupee tape keeps gents toupees on so it works) We sell toupee tape in rolls or strips.

Manufacturer: Hairaisers
  • 13 - Warm Dk Blonde
    13 - Warm Dk Blonde
  • Black
  • 12 - Warm Lt Brown
    12 - Warm Lt Brown
  • 10 - Light Brown
    10 - Light Brown
  • 8 - Medium Brown
    8 - Medium Brown
  • 6 - Medium/Dark Brown
    6 - Medium/Dark Brown
  • 7 - Warm Medium Brown
    7 - Warm Medium Brown
  • 5 - Warm Dk Brown
    5 - Warm Dk Brown
  • 4 - Dark Brown
    4 - Dark Brown
  • 3 - Very Dk Brown
    3 - Very Dk Brown
  • 2 - Brown/Black
    2 - Brown/Black
  • 1B - Jet Black
    1B - Jet Black
  • 16 - Honey
    16 - Honey
  • 17 Lt Ash Brown
    17 Lt Ash Brown
  • 27 - Red/Blonde
    27 - Red/Blonde
  • 29 - Lt Auburn
    29 - Lt Auburn
  • 47 - Warm Medium Grey
    47 - Warm Medium Grey
  • 52 - Lt Steel Grey
    52 - Lt Steel Grey
  • 56 - Silver Grey
    56 - Silver Grey
  • 60 - Silver White
    60 - Silver White
  • 1B20 - Black With 20% Grey
    1B20 - Black With 20% Grey
  • 1B50 - Black With 50% Grey
    1B50 - Black With 50% Grey
  • 1B80 - Black With 80% Grey
    1B80 - Black With 80% Grey
  • 220 - Brown/Black With 20% Grey
    220 - Brown/Black With 20% Grey
  • 350 - Very Dk Brown with 50% Grey
    350 - Very Dk Brown with 50% Grey